Friday, May 29, 2015


So my library is holding a manga/anime contest thing, and I thought I'd enter. And so today I was drawing some eyes just to practice, and I thought I'd show you what I drew because I'm quite proud of it.
My go to expression is always worried or concerned or whatever you want to call that. I have no clue why. The eyebrows are just fun to draw I guess.

Anyway. There's that. If I end up coloring it, I'll show you. Kay? Kay. Bye now!


Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Game With the Volleysphere

Sports. They’re an interesting thing. So interesting in fact, that Jo and I will be talking about them today.

Hey, did you see that game between the Yankees and the Lakers?

Considering that I don’t watch sports, I think the answer should be obvious.

*Laughs* that was funny ‘cause the Yankees are a baseball team and the Lakers are a basketball team. That’s how much we know about sports!

Wow. You made me think that there was a basketball team called the Yankees, even though I know that’s a baseball team.

*Evil laugh*

*puts hands on hips*

Look you have hips!

Yeah . . . I do . . .


And on that note, we talk about sports.

I like the game with the volleysphere!

Oh yes, the volleysphere. The thing that makes my arms all red.

I like it when my arms turn red from volleyspheres! Like when paint covers my arms!

Paint covers? Oh. I read that wrong. Aren’t I a genius. Anyway. Volleyball is . . . interesting. I’m not great at it. I not great at any sports really, but I do kind of like volleyball.

I think you’re good at volleyball! I like volleyball a lot. I think it’s a lot of fun. And it helps with teamwork and communication.

Teamwork and communication are not my strong points. So . . . well . . . I think all sports involve that to some degree, that’s probably why sports hate me.

And that, is why I play some sports. Teamwork and communication are always good things to learn and have. So yeah.


And I like soccer. And baseball can be interesting. Sometimes . . .

I used to play soccer. I was never really great at it, but I enjoyed it. When stuff actually happened. Because I was always defender.

Yeah I used to play to. From when I was 4 or 5 to when I was about 9. And I loved soccer a lot. But I hated being goalie or defender. I was always midfield or forward. Well, in any sport I play I hate standing around. Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, Baseball, Kickball, Soccer, you name it.

For me it depends on the sport. If it’s a sport I despise and I’m being forced to play it for gym or something, then I’m fine just standing around. But it I actually like the sport I’m playing, I’d much rather be doing something.

So lets see, I’m part demigod, so I cannot stand still. I do not like to. And I hate it when people try to talk to me to get out of playing because I mean, WHAT IF I WANT TO PLAY?! COME ON?! What if you were doing something you like to do and I distracted you from doing it?! Not like I don’t do that already . . .

People do that?

Yes. Yes they do. It is not fun. And I think they are very lazy and they don’t want to give the sport a chance. Most of the grade of P. E. is participation, and I’m surprised some people aren’t failing.

Huh. Speaking of PE, I still need to do that quiz thing . . . but that’s way beside the point. Speaking of point (not really), that reminds me of ballet. Because A.) ballet is always on my mind and B.) point could be pointe if you added an e.

*Nods* Yes it could.

So I’m just going to say, that--nevermind. I will not say that on the interwebs. But anyway. I like ballet. A lot. And uhm . . . yeah. There’s not much to it . . .

Now I am curious. But I will make up an answer . . . INSTEAD. Because that’s my backup system! Just kidding. I don’t have systems. That’s weird. But anyway. Ballet is nice. I like to watch it. But I could never do it.

It’s fun to watch. Until I start noticing how amazing their extension or their bevel is. The ballerinas, I mean. Professional ballerinas.


So yeah.

Yeah. Dance is a nice sport too. And it is a sport. IT’S MORE OF A SPORT THAN NASCAR RACING!!! So don’t say it’s not. Because Nascar racing is almost not a sport though people think it’s more a sport than dance. Don’t be that person. So anyway. That’s all I have to say. So uhm . . . yeah.

Well, a sport is a game. And racing cars is a game. With a winner, like games have.

Not by dictionary definition.

“A contest or game in which people do certain physical activities according to a specific set of rules and compete against each other.”

*Sighs* I give up. I give up arguing for dance anymore. No one will side with me. I give up. I’m going to bed. My computer is going to die. No I won’t go to bed. But my computer is going to die.

And with that I think this is the end of our post.


Just for the record, I never said NASCAR is more a sport than dance.

~Marie and Jo

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Don't Take Food From Crazy Witches

All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.

*raises eyebrows*

That, would be a quote from Walt Disney! One of my role models! Yay!

That’s what I thought.

Yep! So we’re talking about Disney today!!!

And I’m sure that by now you’ve guessed that Jo is scarlet today? Is that scarlet? Because it’s not quite red . . . and not quite orange . . . so scarlet?

Uhhh . . . yeah let’s go with that!

Great. And I’m blue. Marie is blue. Yeah . . . anyway!

So. Disney is pretty amazing!

*nods* They (it?) are/is.

Yep! So what aspect of Disney are we going to talk about first?

How about their movies.

It makes me so sad that they’ve closed down the original animation studio that made the movies like . . . the movies. That are awesome! The kind of the animation like in The Princess and the Frog, and that’s the only example I can think of so uh . . . Mawie?

2D animation? Hand drawn? *shrugs* Can we talk about The Princess and the Frog for a moment? Because I really liked that movie, but I feel like everyone else hates it.

I really liked that movie. A lot. I really liked all the songs. And the drawings. And the story line. And the fact that she wanted to open a restaurant made me happy.

*nods* Her, Mulan, and . . . Merida probably are the only “princesses” who didn’t want to get married. Which is always good in my mind.

Yep! But all the princess movies have good messages to them which is good in my mind. That and the drawings. And they’re entertaining. And I mean, come on. Walt Disney. Walt Disney.

Well . . . most of them. I don’t think Snow White has a good message. Well, maybe don’t take food from crazy witches who come to your house. Not even your house. The house of the seven dwarves that you are currently living in.

“. . . Despite all your troubles you should always have hope that things will get better, live life to the fullest no matter what, and stay trusting even when you have been hurt. Snow White’s attitude helped her to gain life-long friendships and gave her a sort of beauty that goes deeper than her skin. - See more at:” BAM. Growing up with Disney Princesses, has made me an OPTIMIST. Just kidding. Well, kind of. That, and growing up with my dad. Anyway.

Fine. But I grew up with Disney as well, and I’m a pessimist.

I did mention my father up there and he’s the most optimistic person I know.

I know. I’m just saying.

Well there’s also the fact that you were a much smarter little kid than I, so uhm . . . I kind of believed those were true stories and uh, yeah. But anyway! There are so many good Disney movies! Like The Fox and the Hound which I watched today and I realized how sad the ending was. And I watched The Aristocats and I realized, “THIS MOVIE IS LIKE, SWING MUSIC!” And so that made me happy.

I’ve never seen The Fox and the Hound. But I did watch The Aristocats a lot. Because I love cats, especially at that time in my life. And the music. I never knew it was swing music (I mean, I was like 5), but I did recognize it. Because my grandpa listened to that music. And yeah . . . so yeah. Anyway.

Well my favorite character is Tod the fox because he’s a hopeful crazy little fox. But yeah. Swing music. My grandma had a lot of it, but it scared me. The ones without lyrics of course, because I mean, I was scared of classical music too. I didn’t know why at that time, I just was.

I thought it was because classical music is in horror movies.

That was later on, because that was the first time I walked in on a horror movie. Before that, classical music made me kind of uncomfortable.

Maybe you have precognition, and you really are a child of Apollo.

*Smiles proudly* I am! *Laughs* But anyway.

Shall we discuss our favorite Disney movies?

Sure! I like a lot of them! I just have to remember them all . . .

So I guess I’m starting?

*Grins* YES.

*sticks tongue out* So anyway. I like Mulan a lot. I watched it on Friday night actually. I never get tired of that movie. Like seriously. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is also really good. I remember we watched it in fourth grade once, and then I rewatched it last year. So I’ve only seen it twice . . . but I do really like it. The Princess and the Frog, obviously. And The Aristocats. Beauty and the Beast is also really good. I’ve always liked Belle, because she likes reading and I like reading and yeah. I like Aladdin too. Because I mean, a princess with a pet tiger?! Awesome! And yeah. Let’s see . . . Bambi. I’ve always liked Bambi. But I still wonder why Flower is a guy. I mean, just . . . I don’t know. And Sleeping Beauty. I feel the need to defend this one, because I don’t think many people like the original three princesses. I like Sleeping Beauty because there is a ballet about Sleeping Beauty. And I love ballet. Besides, there’s also the fact that it was originally a French fairy tale. And yeah. I’m sure I missed a ton, but yeah.

Aladdin is definitely one of my top favorites. I mean, come on. Aladdin is super cool with his awesomely hilarious genie and the songs are awesome. He kind of reminds me of Day, as in he’s seen as a bad guy by everyone else except the reader/watcher and the ones closest to them. And Aristocats. And almost all the original Disney princess movies. Uhm. The Princess and the Frog, Brave, almost any movies with real actors in them, The Fox and the Hound even though it’s quite sad, Bambi, OH! OH! I love Hercules! And . . . The Little Mermaid though now I don’t like it as much as I used to. Tangled, definitely. The Lion King, Big Hero 6! . . . OH! The Jungle Book. 101 Dalmatians, Mulan duh, Lady and the Tramp, Pocahontas, how could I forget Alice in Wonderland?! And Peter Pan! Wreck it Ralph, The Incredibles, Monsters Inc., Wal-E, Ratatouille, The Sword in the Stone was freaking awesome, Mary Poppins, Winnie the Pooh (all of them), and uh, a billion more! Except Frozen. I do not really like that movie, but I mean, I guess it has a good message. I only like one song. And the animation is cool. But I don’t know. Something about it . . . I didn’t like it as much.  

So every single Disney movie except for Frozen? The thing about Frozen, is that it felt really rushed. Did you notice that?

Uhm, *cough cough* not every movie. None of the Toy Stories were in there. Neither was Atlantis because I hadn’t seen that one. All the Toy Stories were good though. They just weren’t my favorite. OH! Oswald is amazing. Anyway. I did notice that. And it was just . . . hmmmmmmm.

I’ve seen Atlantis once. It was good. I just forgot just about everything that happened. Oh! Treasure Planet! I saw that one recently. It was good.

Oh my goodness! I freaking love Treasure Planet! I was going to watch it today, but I was kind of busy .  . .

Yeah, it’s good. I enjoyed that one a lot.

So awesome. Anyway. Anything else we missed? Besides a billion other things or things we haven’t watched?

I found out that that one movie really is called The Black Cauldron, but stupid me got it mixed up with The Sword in the Stone and so it isn’t about Arthur and whatnot. But it’s very fantasy-ish.

Ooooo do you know what it’s about? I’ve never heard of it or seen it.

I believe it’s about this guy who goes on a quest with some misfit friends to stop this evil dark lord dude. Or something around those lines. I didn’t do much research on it. But I do really want to see it.

Well as long as it’s fantasy-ish! For some reason that makes me think of Back to the Future. Don’t ask me why. Back to the Future has to be one of my absolute favorite movies though. But anyway.

I’ve never seen Back to the Future either . . .

I feel like you wouldn’t like it. But it’s just . . . ugh so amazing. I love all of them. And he goes into 2015, which is now! We’re supposed to have flying cars by now!

I know. I’ve learned a few things about it. But why wouldn’t I like it?

Because of the logic?

*raises eyebrows* Isn’t that what you said about Anastasia?

*Nods slowly* I think so? I don’t know. I feel like all the older movies I watch you wouldn’t like because I know you like to point out crappy logic and you’d point out so many things that you wouldn’t like it or something.

Well, I enjoyed Anastasia. Even if there was bad logic.

Yes I know that.


So . . . anything more to say?

Not really . . .

Okay! So Disney is amazing. Goodbye now! Thank you for reading!

Good Mythical Morning!

~Marie and Jo

Sunday, April 19, 2015

"You're Looking Jo-ish Today!"

Today is once again Sunday. And you know what that means? That A.) tomorrow is the dreaded Monday and B.) Jo and I post together. And today our topic will be style.

Style of drawing?!

Maybe next week.

Style of writing?!

Maybe the week after next.

*Says dramatically* Then whatever kind of style could you be speaking of?!

*rolls eyes* The style in which you put clothes on your body.

OOOOH! So like when you put your pants on your head?!

Or if you’re my youngest brother, put underwear on your head and run around the house naked. No. Not that. Fashion style.

*Laughs and pretends to barf* That’s so gross. OHHHH! Fashion style! Well I vote you start right down there Marie.

And with my older sister power, I override that vote and instead vote that you start. Right under me. With your green typeface color.

I’ve never had that older sister power at my house . . . anyway. So I wear clothes and so does Marie! Isn’t that shocking?!

I’m speechless. *says flatly*

I bet everyone is! Anyway. So . . . I don’t really know how to start . . . this was your diea. I mean idea.

Well, what do you typically wear? Or, rather, what would you like to wear on a day to day basis?

Uhm . . . clothes. With patterns that are awesome. And that create a waist for my rectangular body shape. Wow I’m so bad at spelling today. Anyway. And I like my jeans. Jeans are amazing. Especially dark ones. And I like very bright coloured converse.

Now build on that. Or explain in more detail.

Well I was going to let you say something first before that.

Okay then. Pretty much every day I wear light wash skinny jeans, my high top red converse, and one of my many nerdy t-shirts from the guys section tucked into my jeans. Sometimes I will wear leggings, ballet flats, and a tunic shirt thing with a belt around my waist. And then obviously for church I wear a dress with heels.

Yep! Mawie is very good at wearing the clothes she does. She has some really awesome shirts and leggings. It’s cool. Well. How do I describe what I wear? Because I don’t usually go for the same thing everyday. Except for my jeans. Except for in the spring . . . and summer . . . well. Hm. Okay, so I like my patterns and bright colours. And . . . I try to for a more . . . *sighs* how do I describe this. So. I’d call it a more, sweet and innocent vibe with my clothes. So yeah. And I wear a dress. And heels. On Sunday. For church. And uh . . . yeah.

I’ve noticed that lately. Along with the fact that you’ve been “dressing up” more. What I call dressing up at least.

Yeah I don’t like when people call it that. But yes. I know you’d bring it up at some point. But--Okay. So I did wear my nerdy t-shirts that were a size too big, for a lot of this year until about a week, maybe two weeks ago. Maybe longer, I don’t know. But I was kind of hiding behind all that. So now I’ve kind of gone on to my other stuff that makes me feel more confident considering I’ve been at an all time low in that area. So you know. And it’s not like I’m wearing dresses, that’s crazy. I still like my shorts and my jeans. So yeah.

What am I supposed to call it if you don’t like dressing up? Dressing like a normal girl? Looking nice? Looking pretty? You always look pretty though . . .

*Sighs* Yeah I’ve been trying to figure that out myself. *laughs* Looking pretty. Whenever people say, “Oh you look cute today,” or something like that, I always think, “Wait, so I didn’t look cute yesterday?” And then I laugh because I saw a post about that. But anyway. I don’t know. You can call it looking like Jo. I would have an actual name for it, if I had money to buy the clothes that I’d want at the moment, but you know . . . I don’t have money. But I tend to lean towards more creative items of clothing or things that are bright. Or pattern-y.

Looking like Jo. “Oh hey! You look very Jo-ish today!” But yeah. I don’t like it when people say, “Oh you look so pretty today!” because I’m immediately like, “So I never look pretty? Thanks. For that. I’ll just walk to my locker now. And think about charries.” Just kidding. Even I’m not that dramatic. Creative items of clothing?

Yeah I don’t like it either. The only time that I felt okay about that, was that day in Math like, two--no this last week ago on Monday? Sometime. But I think it was Carly  who was like, “Oh you look pretty today!” Because my hair was all curly and my clothes were Jo-ish and stuff and then Mercedes said, “Arie looks pretty everyday, Carly!” And so I thought that was nice of her to say. No that wasn’t this last week because I didn’t sit my Mercedes this last week. Right? I don’t remember.

But you curled your hair last Monday.

Yeah see I think that was it then. I don’t know, the whole seating thing is throwing me off. But anyway.

*shrugs* I don’t know either. Because I didn’t hear that exchange.

I thought the whole classroom heard it considering Carly had to yell across the room and Mercedes had to do the same.

Daydreaming. That’s my excuse.

Ah, excuses. I never daydream in math because my brain tells me that I have to focus or I’ll fail and I won’t get into a good college, so you can see why that worries me. Well. I have to go do yoga. So I will say one thing. Well . . . now I don’t remember. Mawie, are you ready to end this post or shall we continue later?

Let’s continue later.

It’s going to be thirty minutes later by the way . . . just a heads up.

So we’ll continue this in thirty minutes, fictional people.

*Thirty Minutes Later*

And I am here again!

Actually, to be annoyingly technical, it was forty-three minutes. At least, that’s how long you were gone.

Oh yes. That is correct.

*nods* But anyway. Style. Clothing style.

Oh yes! That too! I remembered what I was going to say earlier! So I was roaming the interwebs like I do on occasion and I stumbled upon a quiz that told you what clothes best suit you according to your personality and stuff and so I got creative-romantic-boho type thingy. I just thought that was interesting.

I took that quiz as well because you linked it in your journal. Except I got to the end and was like, “Pffft. Romantic? I am not romantic. This is stupid. I’ll wear what I want to wear, thank you very much.” And that was that. See the differences between Jo and I? Yeah . . .

So . . . you read the description and still thought that?

Skimmed through it.

Yeah I thought you’d get that one. Mostly because it’s like, vintage and lace and stuff like that which I like a lot. But I do like my boho. Though, I don’t own any clothes like that. Anymore, anyway.

Well, I do like vintage lacey stuff. But I mean . . . I don’t feel like myself in them. Too frilly and girly. Unless it’s a dress. I’m totally okay with a vintage-y and lace dress. Like the one I wore to my piano recital. That’s about as much “vintage” as I own.

Yeah I understand that. And I used to have a lot more vintage, but I’ve grown out of it. Now I have a dress, some jewelry, and hats. So yeah. Fun. And . . . what was I going to say . . . hm. Oh! I was going to say that I don’t exactly feel like myself in my nerdy t-shirts because while I love them so very much, I’m not one of the especially awesome people who can pull them off. And yeah!

*tilts head* So I’m especially awesome?

I just stated so, yes.

Huh. Good to know. I feel the need to talk about shopping for jeans. Just for a moment. Is that okay with you?

Mmhm. Truth be told, I really like shopping for clothes. It’s just the part when you try them on . . . that’s the part I don’t really enjoy, but that’s kind of the most important aspect of it.

I--no, let’s talk about clothes shopping for me another day. So jean shopping. I have this problem. Well, had until I discovered that I could shop in the junior’s section (because before then they would be too big). And my problem was that if I bought a pair of jeans they were too . . . wide(?) around my legs but long enough. And if I sized down they were perfect, except they were much too short. And now it depends on the brand. So sometimes they’re perfect, but too short and sometimes they’re a good length but a tiny bit too big. Oh that’s the word! Big! Wow I’m a genius. And belts. Don’t even get me started on belts. They’re never small enough for me to use for pants. Around my waist they’re perfect, but not for pants. Just thought I’d share that. Kay. Done with my rant of the day.

Oh pants shopping. I don’t even want to talk about that. But by big around your legs, do you mean like the bootcut pants I used to wear? Like, everyday? Or do you mean something else?

No because I wear skinny jeans. They’re like . . . just like . . . if you were to take in the seams like two inches, or something, they’d be good. Okay. Not two inches because I’m not good at math and taking in clothing is always hard for me. But like an inch. That sounds about right.

Ohhhhh okay. That makes sense. Ah, so you’ve discovered the junior section. That’s fantastic. I like looking at the things they have, I just can’t have them. All them are too small, like a bunch of places these days. So My clothes mainly come from . . . what’s the place called . . . OH! Maurices! That’s what it’s called!

I was going to say the store *mumbles* So tell me about this section I’ve never heard of because I’m too petite for my own good. Just kidding. I don’t know what’s wrong with my brain right now.

*Laughs* Pet it. Anyway. Which section? The junior section?

Hey. French has made me unable to spell petite in English correctly. And no. Not the junior section. I obviously know what that is. The *pauses* maurices? Is that how you spell it?

*Nods* Yep! It’s a store, mostly for plus sized people so my mom and her sisters and me go there often because every other store is like, “Sorry, we only have clothes for people with no bellies.” So yeah. It’s a nice store. I like it. It’s got cool stuff, a variety of different things. Like . . . I don’t know. That’s where I get my jeans though. And my cami’s come from there. And . . . yeah. I don’t really know how to explain it. Well, actually, I do. So if you were to take my personality style, and turn it into a store . . . then that’s kind of what Maurices is like. It’s got like, fancier stuff. So like romantic style. And some creative and bold stuff. And like, business casual. Sometimes boho. And then you add my innocent sweet essence in and then you’ve basically got Maurices.

So if you want to look Jo-ish, go shop there. You know, there’s this online store. It’s called ModCloth. I will link it. One moment.

I need to interrupt for one second to say that I love that store. But it’s just SO EXPENSIVE.

Tsk, tsk, interruptions. But yes, it is very expensive. But oh my Pluto, I love their clothes. They’re all vintage-y and quirky and I love it. That one dress I was telling you about. My astronomy one with pockets. That’s where I got it from. And the black tunic shirt I wore with my black and gold leggings. And also this one pair of heels I wear a lot. Yeah . . . lots and lots of convincing to get my mom to buy them for me. I believe I still need to pay her back . . . maybe . . . probably . . .

I’m never going to be able to shop there. It’s too expensive.

It is really expensive. But I like just looking too. Gives me inspiration for what to draw on my drawings of people.

I agree. But I try not to go on there because it just makes me sad that I can’t buy clothes there. I’m not like my brother where I’m like, “Mom, I NEED you to buy me this and this and this!” It’s a waste of money when I already have enough clothes. And I don’t want to waste money. Some of that is going to help me pay for college!

I don’t like to buy clothes no matter how expensive they are because . . . I don’t know. I’m just weird. But sometimes I do.

I usually don’t get to buy clothes until summer when the months change and I need winter and fall clothes, so I don’t exactly get to shop at leisure, though I’d like to.

I don’t really buy clothes until school starts again. And even then it depends on how much school clothes I bought last year. It’s usually not too much one year, and then the next I get less. And that’s how it goes. Hence why jean shopping frustrates me, because I can’t get new ones for a while.

I get new jeans when my dog bites holes in the butts or else I’ll have to go to school without pants.

Ah the joys of only having a cat and some fish.

Oh Buddy helps get holes in all my clothes with the dog. Olie. They’re partners in crime  . . . they don’t want me to wear clothes.

Ah the joys of having a non-mischievous cat.

Yeah. Well are you ready to end the post? More to say? Because as of now, I’m only going to get 6 hours of sleep which is not okay considering we have a nice big and important test tomorrow.

Sure. Let’s end this post.

Thank you, people, for listening or reading, to my stupidity today. I appreciate it. See you all in my brain. Goodbye.


~Marie and Jo